I have found myself over the past few years asking myself the following question. Why do I have to work so hard to lose any weight and yet seem to gain it after even the smallest slip up with my diet? I have done many things over the last year to make some changes so I can stop asking that question. My journey was simple in thought but a near impossible challenge in reality. I wanted to get to 62kgs by the time I was 26 years old. As of today, I am 26 years old and I am currently between 70kgs and 68kgs. I am not totally upset by this because I actually started at 82 kgs; so overall I am very grateful for where I am today. I achieved this by actively monitoring how much I was snacking then cutting back by intermittent fasting, I also started having full vegetarian food days during the week and walking a minimum of 20,000 step a day. I have lost 14kgs in total, but I have been stuck at 68-70kgs for 6 months with no change. This has left me questioning again. Why is it so hard to lose weight?
So, I began doing some research and found something I had never seen before. I was so amazed I honestly spent the next 3 days just watching every single video and reading every single article I could find.
Simply put the reason I have always struggled with weight loss could have something to do with my body type. The first questions that popped into my mind was could it really be that simple? Isn’t that just an excuse?
Well if you are as intrigued as I was here is a quick breakdown of what I learnt.
According to the concept theorized by Dr. W.H. Sheldon back in the early 1940s, there are three somatotypes endomorph, mesomorph, and ectomorph. I found out that I have the body type – endomorph.
What is the endomorph body type?
Endomorphs generally have a soft, round body, medium-large bone structure, small shoulders and shorter limbs. They usually carry their weight in the lower abdomen, hips, and thighs. This pattern of fat distribution makes it a bit harder to lose weight, but with the correct training and nutrition program, endomorphs can apparently achieve positive results. I also found out that the endomorph body type usually has some degree of carbohydrate and insulin sensitivity. High-carb foods are quickly converted to sugar in the bloodstream and are more likely be stored as fat than be burned for energy. Some well-known endomorphs supposedly include Marilyn Monroe, Sophia Vergara, and Beyoncé.
Now how does being an endomorph mix with diet and weight loss?
Due to a slower metabolisms (regardless of the underlying cause) and a surplus of stored energy (body fat), nutritional solutions for primarily-endomorphic individuals should apparently focus on techniques to maximize fat loss while still supporting, and even building, the existing lean muscle mass. To achieve this, it is generally recommended that endomorphs eat enough protein and healthy fats and lay off the processed refined carbohydrates (cereal, bread, crackers, sweets, etc.). Carbohydrates from fiber-rich vegetables and fruits, and to a lesser extent from unrefined grains such as quinoa or rice, are said to be a better choice for endomorphs.
When it comes to working out consistent anaerobic and aerobic training will help an endomorphic body type to increase their metabolic efficiency and boost the body’s daily energy requirement. Increasing the non-exercise activity thermogenesis (NEAT) factor as much as possible, is also recommended. This means moving more during times of the day when they’re not in the gym or actively exercising. Taking the stairs instead of using the elevator. Break up your work day by getting up to for a quick stretch or walk if you are working at a desk. Committing to a less-sedentary lifestyle overall is the most important thing for the endomorphic body type to begin overcoming their metabolic challenges when it comes to weight loss.
Other Fun Recommendations for Endomorphs
Reduce your TV watching time
Avoid excessive sleep and become an early riser
Try working out with a partner, make a running list of goals or enter a competition
While there is no real science to back up eating or exercising for a particular body type to lose weight, I am really excited to explore and share with you what I discover with my personal journey as an endomorph. I am looking forward to keeping on discovering new gems of wisdom that I will incorporate into my life!
Which of the three somatotypes do you think you are? Leave us a comment.
Till the next one x