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She is a woman. She is a fighter. She is a warrior. But most of all she is the one I call ma.

Hey ma,

We were one


You and I were once one

You held me in your womb

And then you battled to let me free to see the world

We were entwined once

I needed your bosom to stay alive

You held me in your arms

And then you smiled when you set me free to see the world

We were each others best friends once

I needed to learn life to stay alive

You let me crawl, walk

And then you let me run free to see the world

And now the years have passed and I wonder why

Why you never told me to come back home sooner

How did you have me as yours for all those years and then let me go

How did you let me run free to see the world

The plight and heartbreak of being a mother is one that is beyond words.

In return I want you to know

We are one


Wherever I am

you are always

It is in the insights, the teaching, the guidance

I learnt at your feet

It is in the love , grace and care

I learnt by your side

In return I want you to know

We are one


Wherever you are

I am always

I am glad to know that I was a good child to you

With everything that you had to deal with

I wondered if I did my part

I am proud of how you looked after me when you were only a girl yourself

I have thought about it many times and I am thankful that you kept me

I am grateful to you for doing everything that you could for me

I remember the day we parted..

As the bus that was taking me to my destiny left town,

you were walking home alone

Tears were streaming down you face

I wanted to come out and get back to you

but I knew it was never the plan

It is time for the next chapter and I wanted to tell you that I am proud of you

I always say that I am an exquisite piece of work in progress

and I play a hand in who I become

but you played the greatest part in creating and moulding me

I hope in me you see some of your life's work and feel pride too

I may not have said it often in the past but you are awesome

You are inspiring

You broke rules

You tried new things

You explored new ideas

You looked cute in suits

You would not be defeated

You were a warrior

A fighter

A woman I will always be proud to call my mother.

I will learn to tell you more often about who you are so that you do not forget.

At the end, I will miss you

I will learn what it felt like for you to let me go

I will learn how it feels to have an empty home

I will learn how it feels to wish for you always

I will learn how the ache never goes away

I will learn the agony of a mother.

Write me a letter please and tell me how you did it ...

Please write me a letter and tell me how you did it ...

I do not think I am strong enough

The plight and heartbreak of being a mother is one that is beyond words.

Yours truly

Your daughter

In Love- Always


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